Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Alright, so I have not written here for quite a while. I will try to stay more faithful to this blog.

So, today's tips will be all about water and how important it is to our planet. As we all know, the Earth consists mostly of water, but there is only a very small quantity of water that we can actually consume. To be more specific, the surface of our dear planet is covered by 71% of salt water oceans. That is a very large percentage.

The point is, every living thing in our world needs water in order to survive. Part of the Global crisis happening right now has to do with the shortage of water. I am lucky enough to live in a region where the fresh water supply is abundant, but very few people in the world are as lucky. Most people have to rely on bottled water that must be shipped to them and that involves transportation costs and of course more CO2 in our atmosphere.

Our job as citizens of a world in need is to use the resources wisely and not wastefully. Water will eventually run out and when that happens we will all wish we had done a better job preserving it.

Here are some easy tips for everyone to do on a daily basis that will significantly help preserve water:
1) when drinking a glass of water, if you do not feel thirsty enough to finish it, do NOT pour it down the sink, use it. How? well there are several ways: water indoor or outdoor plants; pour the rest in a pet's water bowl; pour in a bird bath; pour in a pool; pour in a bath; cover and place in the fridge for later
2) we all should know this one... turn OFF the water when brushing your teeth
3) when showering, wet yourself and your hair then turn the water off to shampoo and wash your body and turn it back on to rinse
4) when boiling anything, use minimal water i.e. do not fill the pot to the top, depending on what you are cooking the pot may only need to be filled halfway or even less.
5) when using a garden hose outside, walk with the hose off until you get to the area you want to water, then turn it on

These are all the tips about water for the moment, more shall probably come soon.

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